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Wind Stormwind Disconnect Electrical Cable Point 10 in Bogor

Published on Sunday, March 13, 2011 // , , , , ,

Jakarta-Wind Stormwind that hit the town of Bogor on Sunday (13/3/2011) afternoon that caused some damage to the infrastructure of the city. The breakdown in the cable-electric cable in some areas and trees uprooted.

"There are 10 point that suffered damage, most of the damage that occurs in the form of electric cable breakdown and patahnya dahan-dahan trees that interfere with traffic," said Royani, the firefighter (Damkar) Bogor City, when contacted detikcom.

According to him, the area hardest hit damage is the hero. A tree uprooted blown overwrite coffee factory located in the area.

"Areas that suffered damage, among others, the Grand Mosque, Monument Kujang, Baranangsiang, Mardi Yuana, and Surya Kencana. The damage that happens most of the damage to power lines and branches of trees fell, "he said.

However the impact of the wind putting he dealt with cooperation between meniko PLN Bogor City. So at 3.15 PM, the circumstances already can be controlled. Royani also said that there were no fatalities from wind Stormwind.


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