Because of a drunken Brawl, citizens with Unscrupulous Paspampres Benhil
Jakarta residents Downstream Dam, Central Jakarta, involved a scene with a number of Security Forces was President (Paspampres) in the morning. Are your triggers allegedly due to wrong because both groups equally drunk.
"Perhaps equally being drunk, but the day was peaceful," said Kapolsek Tanah Abang AKBP Simamora, when Johanson dating back Ronald confirmed the cause of the incident, detikcom question of the week (13/3/2011).
According to this incident took place, Johanson dating back in the morning. But he is reluctant to explain in detail the chronology of the incident, because the case was handled by the local Koramil.
Even so, he confirmed there has been a fight to cause injuries.
"Initially misunderstood aja, they hang out-hanging out. There may be members of it (Paspampres) is still young. Perhaps one of the talk, there are citizens who then there was a fight, mukul "details.
Yet obviously the number of injuries as a result of this incident. That is clear, said Johanson dating back, victims from both sides were reported to the police, but agreed not to sue each other.
"At around 1 pm to 3 pm at the offices of the Koramil already reunited, both agreed not to sue. Earlier in the local army Office, there is the Paspampres, there are the Danramil and Muspika as well as the citizens of RW 05 Benhil, "urainya.
"There is a statement of Paspampres willing to compensate for the loss if there are injuries. But they also are injured, "sambungnya.
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