Terror Bomb cannot be Tolerated, the sender of the package to Abd should be arrested
Jakarta-terror bomb could not be justified. Whatever the reason the police should immediately catch the sender of a parcel bomb to a Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) Ulil Abshar Abdala. Do not let the perpetrators of terror left free.
"I ask the Government to immediately check the apparatus and take steps to investigate these events completely. The incident could not be justified, cannot be allowed, "said Vice Chairman of the HOUSE'S Priyo Budi Santoso in the Capitol, Senayan, Jakarta, on Tuesday (15/3/2011).
Priyo explains, in a time that all this kind of transparent, should all the parties to respect all kinds of things in the process of building democracy.
"No dissent until endless seradikal. Usually things that smell like this may not be political but the difference the differences that led to the belief, "brightening.
Priyo mewanti-wanti police to immediately capture the perpetrators. "I'm doing an investigation and inquiry Kapolri completely, and this is hopefully the last event," he added.
Known package for Ulil Abshar Abdlla transmitted to the Office of KBR 68 H was actually a bomb. The bomb exploded at 4.05 PM. Tragic! A police check packages into the victim. One hand break.
Monitoring detikcom, the police became a victim of it was checking the package bomb. At the time of the explosion is hard it happened, a bloody hand left the police station, looks desperate. The blood of the Klan. Police injured it is Kasatreskrim Polres Jakarta Timur Dodi Rahmawan.
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Read also: He contents of the Letter to Habibullah Simultaneously Package BomPaket bombs to Habibullah came with 6 other packages, Sent KurirPaket bomb explodes
The sender of the Letter To Habibullah Is Drs. Sulaiman AzharPaket bombs to Habibullah Had Diintip, Contains the cables Share close the Share to Facebook:
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