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Phone Sulaiman, the sender of the package bomb to Habibullah Tulalit

Published on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 // , , , , ,

Jakarta-the sender of the letter inside the package bomb for Jaringan Islam Liberal (JIL) Lanny write its data to complete. The sender claims to be named Drs. Sulaiman Azhar was even write down numbers handphonenya.

However, when contacted detikcom, Tuesday (15/3/2011) mobile number 08132220579 it could not be contacted. Only a sound tulalit. The sender also wrote down the complete address: on the road Happy Gg Pancer No. 29 Ciomas, Bogor. However, when confirmed to 108, the address is not yet listed have a phone number.

Via letter, Sulaiman would like to ask for time to Ulil for an interview and provide the foreword in the book of his work. In the letter, Sulaiman claimed was writing a book titled ' they should be killed because of their sins against Islam and the Muslims '.

The letter is contained in the package bomb that exploded at the headquarters of KBR 68 h. Package bomb sent to Hamid through Office KBR 68 H on Utan Kayu 68 Jl, Central Jakarta. Package that contains the book as thick as 412 pages. However, when the package was checked with a metal detector, turned out to be a tool that reads.

The hands of one member of the police i.e. Visible Reskrim Polres Jakarta Timur Kompol Dodi Rahmawan broke up when trying to tame the bomb through his instructions via HP. A security KBR 68 H was also wounded by the events.

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