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The Government protect the ABG KPAI Requested from the dangers of Terrorism

Published on Monday, May 09, 2011 // , , , ,

Jakarta-Generals of the new child or teen gede (ABG) in raids unexpected perpetrators of terrorism in Sukoharjo and Klaten startle many parties. Therefore to protect teens from the movement's radical Government requested actions.

"Generals unexpected terrorism which is still a dozen years old is due to the existence of the teaching of religion in its surroundings malpractice. The Government and the public should protect children from deviant ideologies, "said the Deputy Chairman of the Committee on the protection of Children Indonesia (KPAI) Asrorun Niam Sholeh in Jakarta, Saturday (26/1/2011).

The man who gives this familiar Niam explains, these terrorists, generals unexpected illustrates that the process of ideologisasi and doktrinasi were conducted since the age of the children.

"Doktrinasi against unexpected terrorism is not possible in a short time. Definitely need a process, and ascertained that do when they doktrinasi in the future of children, "he said.

To prevent a bersemai chain terrorism among children and adolescents, the Government together with the community KPAI invites for your continually teaches understand religious moderates.

"The Government in this Ministry of Religion must also be present. Here are relevant once the addition of religious studies and practice hours keberagamaan is moderate among children, both in and outside of school, "he added,

Government and society KPAI expect shoulder digging in to give support to religious institutions to create a situation conducive to the fulfilment of the rights of children in the field of religious.

"MUI has provided a guide to religious, which differentiates between terrorism, suicide bombings and jihad. This needs to be disosialisasi to the community. Children must be protected from radicalism and liberalism

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