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Electric Car Ride Leaves Pascatsunami in Japan

Published on Sunday, May 15, 2011 // , , ,

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Electric Car Ride Leaves Pascatsunami in Japan Voila O Winata
Articles related to Tesla Motors Electric Car Offers in Japan the Chinese new car sales Shrank Back a Porsche Cayman S Black version Launch Birds Make Cat Car Faded Motorcycle Sport Kian Popular 11/05/2011, 7: 05 pm Liputan6. com, Tokyo: Hummer 4 x 4 or Jeep may be your best choice for exploring the cities destroyed in northeastern Japan. The area was rocked by an earthquake and a tsunami in March and are definitely not friendly for electric vehicles. However, in the days after the disaster that happens, the electric car is precisely prove his ferocity.

Refining-oil refining was damaged and full of obstacles so that gasoline is the stuff that's hard. Deficiencies become acute until-until Japan self-defense forces must transport the gasoline that was contributed to China. However in Sendai, about 250 miles northeast of Tokyo, and other cities damaged by earthquakes, electricity is normal in a few days after the disaster.

President Osamu Masuko Mitsubishi Motors offers dozens of car electric i-MiEV to cities affected by the earthquake. Vehicle designed for light work, such as dropping off passengers to a shopping mall that was suited to the needs of the affected areas. The car was back and forth bringing citizens into refugee centers, schools, and hospitals. Including transporting doctors, professionals, and volunteers.

"Almost no fuel at the time, so I am very grateful to hear the offer," said Tetsuo Ishii, the head of the Office of the environment in Sendai. "If we do not get the cars, it would be very difficult to work out things to do." he said.

Ishii and authorized officials in Sendai using the cars it strategically. Two units of the car used to carry food and supplies to shelter in the city centre of 23, while the other two are used for the service of a doctor. If there is an urgent need, the Township could use cars to help clean up damaged homes. Truck is still difficult to operate because fuel is not easy to come by.

The average electric vehicles that take 30 to 45 miles per day, roughly half the distance to be traveled in a State of the battery is full. Most of the car, he said, returning each evening to the town hall filled with 200 volt electricity.

Fast charging up to 80 percent can be done in 30 minutes while standard 100 volt outlets takes over 12 hours. President of Mitsubishi Motors Masuko was impressed with the robustness and power for vehicles made by the manufacturer. during this they fought against the presumption that the vehicle is expensive and not practical. "I was most impressed when hear words I thought electric vehicles could not be trusted. But this time, the vehicle was part of everyday life, "she wrote in an email. "I am glad to hear our electric vehicles contribute to the recovery of the affected areas."(ANT/TOW/ULF)

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