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In The Village Of Umar, Icha Alias Grace Known Friendly

Published on Sunday, April 03, 2011 // , , , , ,

Bekasi-Icha alias Grace Sulistyo known friendly by the citizens of the village where He lived. In the village of Bojongsari, Jatiasih, Bekasi, Icha is also good at socializing.

This was disclosed by M I as Chairman of the RT where Umar and Icha lived.

"He was my guest does reply to his house he always presents a coffee for me, the relationship with citizens around here also somewhat quite close," said I now encountered detikcom at his residence, RT 01/02 Bojongsari, Jatiasih, Bekasi, Saturday (4/2/2011).

According to me, Icha admitted working as flight attendants. If the Icha leaving work, he always admonished residents who cross paths with him. In the activities of the community, Icha was often present.

"People are polite, too," I certainly did.

Umar and Icha married a week after Idul Fitri in 2010. Both housemates living with parents of Umar in Jatiasih, Bekasi. After six months passed new caught Icha turned out to be a man named original Grace Sulityo. Icha also never worked as a flight attendant.

Because it is considered to be cheats, Residents finally reported the wife of Umar to Polsek Jatiasih. The wife of a familiar through the Facebook social networking is now being held with the threat of seven years in prison.


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