Icha Could Be Disciplined Citizens Of The Village Of Umar
Bekasi-Fransiska Anastasya Octaviany aka Icha alias Grace Sulityo could be diamuk the masses. Citizens upset after learning his wife Umar turned out to be women so-jadian.
"Udah many are gathering there are 200 puppets," said the Chairman of the RT 01/02 Kampung Bojongsari, Jatiasih, Bekasi, M I told detikcom, Saturday (2/4/2011).
But I'm with the community leaders trying to hold that no acts of violence. Luckily this attempt is successful.
"Ustadz Ismail cried, beware of sampe is mukul. In according a bold, ngga ada mukul, "the light I.
After that I was immediately contacted Pospol Jatiasih. He was afraid if the mass is not controlled. So instead of a report to police Umar, but I'm with community leaders.
"Thursday that malem I hurriedly fled to Pospol, fear mass ga can be arrested. Kalo udah mukul, surely one of the other, "said the 63-year-old man.
Citizens upset after guise Icha uncovered. From the start, indeed many citizens suspicious if Icha is female so-jadian.
"The citizens of the same original SIM nemu ID CARD in the seat his motorcycle Icha. Eh, its original name Grace Sulistyo. The angry citizens, "brightening.
Finally on Thursday (31/3) Icha was digelandang to the Investigators. I also join the accompanying Icha.
"63-year life. Just yesterday I nginep at the police station. Ah Icha Icha, ", sesalnya.
Umar and Icha married a week after Idul Fitri in 2010. Both housemates living with parents of Umar in Jatiasih, Bekasi. After six months passed new caught Icha turned out to be a man named original Grace Sulityo.
Because it is considered to be cheats, Residents finally reported the wife of Umar to Polsek Jatiasih. The wife of a familiar through the Facebook social networking is now being held with the threat of seven years in prison.
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