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Forcing The Construction Of The Capitol Tarnish Democracy

Published on Sunday, April 03, 2011 // , , , ,

Jakarta-even though it rejected community, Capitol building plans continue to be done. The Act of PARLIAMENT was judged already tarnished democracy because it does not accommodate the aspirations of the people.

"Should we suspect the existence coercion of the will has been tarnishing the democracy," said Researcher of law and politics of Indonesia's budget Budget Center (IBC) Roy Greetings when contacted detikcom, Saturday (2/4/2011).

Roy was out there are economic interests that melatarbelakangi why this Capitol building plans continue to be sounded. Even the Chairman of the DPR Marzuki Alie said ordinary people not entitled to discuss the matter of a new building.

"There is an attempt to get the benefit. The question is whether the interests of Marzuki
so this development insist on passing. Or indeed the interests of affiliated parties, are certainly treated as money, "these Roy.

He said sorry statement Marzuki only the elite who can discuss the construction of the Capitol. While people do not have the authority to comment on.

"It's proving alignments Marzuki. If he's willing to hear what the elitist ngga said the people, "he asserts.

Previously, Marzuki refused for community response survey to find out about the construction of new buildings. "It's just people who can elite who understand that discusses this, ordinary people can not be brought. If a commoner brought think bagamana perbaikian system, how the improvement of the Organization, how to repair infrastructure, common people dizzy mind, "said Marzuki, Friday (1/4) yesterday.


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