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Attorney: Every Internal Audit Malinda Never Troubled Citibank

Published on Sunday, April 03, 2011 // , , , , , , ,

Jakarta-even though it was suspect, Malinda aka MD insisted not guilty in the case of burglary Citibank tens of billion dollars. Every internal audit, Citibank never stated Malinda problematic.

"On the Citibank's existing internal audit. Guns never miss management activities, "said lawyer Malinda, Indra Sahnun Lubis when contacted, Saturday (2/4/2011).

According to Indra, his clients have been employed for decades. If the customer already troubled with Malinda definitely will not be promoted.

"If there is a loss for Citibank? He said guns there, "he added.

Indra claims, what the alleged during this to his client remains unclear. He also asked that the public does not immediately judge.

"He's got the customers yearly. If he nilep where possible up to now last? I also have yet to see what kind of BAPnya. Later we will explain when to meet again Monday tomorrow, "explained the President of Congress Advocate Indonesia.

Indra suspect customer funds received Malinda handed personally to be developed in a certain business. "I take the conclusion the customer funds may be large enough to dikuasakan him to dikelolanya. This is not yet clear, definitely maintained him or whether by Citibank, "he asserts.

Malinda, have been arrested related embezzlement of funds Rp 20 billion belongs to the customer of Citibank. Police have seized numerous assets Malinda like luxury cars worth billions of rupiah. In addition to the price of goods, police also seized a number of recordings as evidence.

Women section dijerat article 49 paragraph 1 and 2 of law No. 7 of 1992 as amended by Act No. 10 of 1998 about banking and or article 6 of law No. 15 of 2002 as amended by Act No. 25 of 2003 as amended by law No. 8 year 2010 about the crime of money laundering.


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