The Sender Of The Letter To Habibullah Is Drs. Sulaiman Azhar
Jakarta – in addition to the package bomb, there is a piece of a letter written by Drs. Sulaiman Azhar, to Lanny. The writer Ciomas, Bogor. But who is he, still mysterious.
Observations of the detikcom, Tuesday (15/3/2011), the letter typed and written in a sheet of paper A4 HVS. The letter is not folded.
The letter was with package bombs were included in the envelope Brown along with a thick book.
The sender of the letter to Habibullah is Drs. Sulaiman Azhar from Ciomas, Bogor. But who is he? Is it true that these people who sent a letter to Habibullah?
Until recently, it was still mysterious.
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